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PTO Elections

Nominations are open to join PTO leadership!

Following are the positions that are up for election and will be voted on in our May 8 meeting: Co-President, Vice President, Treasurer, School Representatives (Jacobs, Memorial and High schools). See below for general job descriptions for each position.

If you’d like to nominate yourself or another person for a position(s), please email PTO Secretary Caryn O’Connor expressing interest—

. The President/Co-Presidents shall be the chief executive officer of the corporation. The President shall conduct all general meetings, annual meetings, special meetings, and shall chair all meetings of the Board of Directors.  The President shall be responsible for appointing members of the committee and selecting committee chairpersons. The President shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and shall attend the committee meetings or review the minutes of such meetings.

2. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence. The Vice President shall serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee, and shall attend the committee meetings or review the minutes of such meetings. The Vice President shall undertake other responsibilities delegated to him/her by the President of the Board of Directors. 

3. The Treasurer shall maintain all financial records, books and accounts of the corporation. The Treasurer shall make reports to the board of directors upon request and shall make all records available for inspection upon request of the President or Board of directors. Prior to payment, the Treasurer shall present to the Board of Directors for approval all expenses exceeding $100.00 (one hundred dollars).

4. The School Representatives shall be members of the board of directors. The School Representatives shall serve as a liaison between the school they represent and the PTO. The School Representatives shall also serve as contacts or coordinators for events held at their school for example Teacher Breakfasts and Dinners, Open Houses, etc.

Earlier Event: April 25
Jacobs School Talent Show
Later Event: May 29
Jacobs Summer Reading Book Fair